Monday, December 31, 2012

Claustral Canyon Revisited Sunday 30th Dec 2012

The path we followed
A step back in time as Ed and I went back to Claustral which we had first visited in 1985 and now his son Rowan was joining us.
We did some last minute research about the new entry track, and called into Springwood police to log a walk notification and pick up an EPIRB (because I couldn't find mine)
So we didn't start till midday. Then we missed the entry track and spent an hour and a half bush bashing till we found the well worn entry track.
After that it was plain sailing. Through the three abseils and up under and around the many obstacles to the exit point.
We had a brief rest and refuel at the exit point and then powered up to the Camel's hump. I remember in 1985 this hill was a killer but today it was stiff climb but OK. After a few photos and a Chocolate on top we crossed the saddle and descended back into the canyon.

Ed with Yabbysaurus

We noticed the exit point for Dismal Dingle marked by a stone cairn but we pushed on to our exit point that would go up to the base of Mt Bell.
It was nearly dark in the canyon so we were pushing on.

Ed and Rowan on the Camels Hump

We had a couple of swims to do but didn't worry about wetsuits. We found our exit and started up. It was a trouble free hike up and we made the car at 8.15pm.
We noticed on this trip a lot more yabbies including a few monsters, also the tracks were quite overgrown and leaves covered all surfaces. The rocks in the creeks were also very mossy. We put all this down to the lower numbers since the entrance was closed.
It was a great day.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Update before B2H

My ankes! I never really imagined that I would ever be so troubled by my damned ankles. The achilles in both feet are so sore. Over the last month I have been resting them but as soon as I head out for a run the pain comes right back. I have been doing everything that the physio has recommended, stretching, icing, cross training (biking) but not really any improvement.

But I have found that if I grit my teeth then after 6km the pain disappears. I have manged to run a few good 30k runs this way but then I pay the price next day.

So with B2H almost here, I have decided to just do the best I can and not stress about it. If I can run it I will, if not, then no worries. I have rented the house in Mt Beauty anyway so I will be there either as a competitor or a spectator.