Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hot then cold

Sat 7/2/08
Striders 10k I just didn't have a lot of puff, or possibly enthusiasm, and ran only 40.07. Pretty poor effort but not a disaster. Heidi on the other hand beat me for the first time with a 1.5 minute PB to record 39m28s to be third female. Wow, that is a 5 1/2 minute improvement in six months! Afterwards I went to work with Honor, install a sonar blank on a ship at GI, and then went out in the company's new boat. Exhausting day. It was stinking hot. 40+

Next day I intending to get to the Hornsby Hurricane star but I just couldn't get out of bed early enough. When I realised I wasn't going to make it I stopped at the Lane Cove course which was on the way and ran two laps and bit extra. All up 25k. It was really hot, and as it turned out this was the day of the Victorian bushfire disaster.Over 1800 homes destroyed and 190+ dead. That puts running into perspective.

I had Monday and Tue off with work commitments and then had two good runs on Wed and Thu nights. I ran the 14 km from home to Lapa and then up to Maroubra beach, up Broome st and home. Ran quite hard. On Fri morning could only manage early morning drills for half an hour.

Sat 14/2/08
It poured rain on Friday and Saturday morning so I gave the Roseville Ripsnorter a miss and ran the reverse Clovelly Canter again. Fortunately this time I had a bit more energy and was able to run the whole thing with only drink breaks including the Tamarama steps!!!! All up exactly three hours for 33k or so. (I had a few scenic long cuts around Waverly cemetery)

On Sunday It once again poured rain and I had a big sleep in till about 10am. I don't remember the last time I did that! Later I went out for a moderate 6k run.

Monday I was up early and ran 12k loop to the Cathedral. I had a 10k run in the evening in beautiful conditions. Big cumulus clouds and very still.

Tues I ran 8 intervals around Lap with Heidi and about 4k of warmup. She goes to the Masters games on Wed to compete in the 8k cross country. She should go well.

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