Saturday, February 21, 2009

Oh my god this is a hard sport

I didn't run Wed/Thu/Fri due to work and social commitments. The main social commitments was my 20th wedding anniversary!!! Wow, that a long time. Thank you Michele. Celebrated by going to Honor's HSC briefing at her school. No, no, we went out the night after the anniversary to dinner and saw Grand Torino at the Greater Union Gold Star. That is a great movie, Clint Eastwood draws together so many elements of the decline of the USA, and says it with such tight dialogue. The ending was a little corny and convenient, but it is fiction after all. His character reminded me so much of my recently deceased uncle Noel.

But back to running, which is the cause for the title. I felt like I had risen from the dead when I got up at 5am this morning. I had gone to bed at 7pm, never having felt more exhausted. I knew that I had to get out for the long run, but it would be a job of work. I headed up along the coast to Dover heights about 17 km away, and very hilly. The first five k's I was just a dead man jogging, then bit by bit I started to come good. When I got to Coogee a girl started following me and started gaining, so I put in an extra sprint through the Waverly graveyard but still she was gaining. Just past Bronte she overtook me, thanks I thought just the incentive I need, and I hung onto her heels. She started slowing down at one point, so I said "Don't slow down now!" and she picked it up again. Finally she turned off at South Bondi, I think we both appreciated the push we gave each other.

So I carried on up to Dover heights with a new burst of energy. At the shop on top of the hill I bought a banana and orange juice. The proprietor insisted on giving me a croissant, no charge. It went straight down.

The return trip was back along the coast to Tamarama then I went up the stairs to the Telstra tower at Waverly. These were the stairs that I had almost passed out on two weeks ago. A large group of Can-Too runners were making their way up the hill, which I am please to record I was able to run without difficulty despite the 25k in my legs.

At Waverly I went down Carrington Rd through the back of Coogee and up the hill to Higgs St and onto Malabar road at the graveyard. Then down Torrinton along Maroubra and up Broome st , then finally up Howe st and home. Plenty of hills and only the one stop at Dover heights.

All up time 3hr 20mins. Felt absolutely buggered afterwards. The last 10k from Carrington Rd hill I just kept thinking, "this is so hard", "boy am I hurting", and "death can't come soon enough" but I made it. It was the dread of those 6ft Track hills that kept me going.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the anniversary! Great work to get out and run such a tough run on your own. Only 2 more weekends and then its on.
