Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ready. What more can I do?

One hour to race time and I am nervously checking everything...gels *3 Check, glucose pills Check, lollies check, bib check, taping feet and nipples check, rested check, right pre race meals check, laminated race pace card check, disposable jumper check, months of consistent training check, times of recent races on track for 3 hrs check, weather perfect check.
So excuses ...none.
Worries heaps.
Main worry is that my left calf has been strained in the last few days. There is a ball of tender swollen muscle there which I have been massaging with Voltaren. Its tender but not unbearable. I just hope it will be OK once its warmed up.
So my plan...just run 4.12ks for as long as I can. That's 21min per 5k. I must focus on keeping the pace constant and maintaining the flow of energy. Also have to make sure that I keep the energy supply up with a gel every 10k and sucking the glucose and lollies. The first half should be pretty easy. It will be 35 to 38k where the race will be done or undone. And as usual I will be racing that guy with the patch. He is a tough competitor but prone to giving up..

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