Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Tuesday did something

Serena and I went to Heffron about 5.30. I made a bet she couldn't beat me on her bike (Iwas running), which she declared wolud be no contest, she would thrash me. I hoped to do 10k and we set off at 4.17 for the first km, 4.27 for the second. Serena was well out in front but then there was a dummy spit. So I had to beg and bribe her to keep going. We did another 4 km at 4.22,4.30,4.26 and final km 3.53.
Serena and I came to an agreement that I will get her a speedo for her bike and she will be my official pacer. Its fun doing things with the kids but it can be high maintenance. Oh, I also said she could judge the design of our official trip Jacket!! Yes bring on the Griswalds, we are going whole hog. More on that later.

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